Thursday, January 1, 2009


Tao is the inexpressible nature of the universe and it's unfolding. Though Tao cannot be expressed in words, it can be understood and its principles can be lived. The Chinese character for Tao shows a person walking along a path. One universal and understandable expression of Tao is that each of us walks along a path in life that is a result of our actions and choices.

In the West, we are raised to believe that, as we walk this path, if we choose to achieve and collect the exceptional things in life, we will become exceptional ourselves and our life will be more meaningful and special in our eyes and in the eyes of others. Eventually, if we follow this philosophy long enough and to its natural conclusion, we come to believe that what we own and achieve defines and validates us as a person. We begin to feel special because of what we have collected and what we have achieved, that we are better than our fellow human beings. This is a trap set by our natural tendencies towards desire. Once caught in it, one's life becomes meaningless and out of control. Look no further than the immense unhappiness that affects many of the stars that populate Hollywood.

"If you think that following Tao is to mount and ride on dragons and cranes, you would be better off walking."*

If you think that life is about achieving great things, you will never reach what you desire. There is no end to want and no end to achievement. There is always something new to have and something new to achieve. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with having what you want and achieving great things as long as it is not used to validate one's self and one's life. Achievement needs to be kept in perspective and not used to make one feel special. "You would be better off walking" amongst your fellow man. Help lift them up and, in so doing, achieve great things together.

Nothing in life is special because all of life is special. Nothing in life is common because all of life is common. Because of this, the special and the common are the same.

To live this way is to express the ultimate principle of Tao and thus to reveal the meaning and purpose of this life.

*From Everyday Tao by Deng Ming-Dao

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