Thursday, January 1, 2009


An important part of your daily practice (or kieko in Japanese) is contemplation and meditation. One should reflect daily on one's life and how one is living it. It is also important to reflect on death and how one will face it. Death will come to us all. It does not discriminate. It does not matter how we die. What does matter is how we face death. One should be able to face death with mushin (empty mind) and the courage and comfort that comes with mushin. Most people regard death with fear and speak about it in hushed tones if they even speak about it at all. This does nothing to but mystify death and make it something that seems outside of our ability to understand and face.

You may not be able to control how and when you die, but you can certainly control how you will face it when it comes. Reflect long and deep on this and any fear of death you have will evaporate.

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