Monday, February 2, 2009

What We Train

The important thing to remember with aikido is that we are training the mind, body, and character.

We are training the mind to be calm and still during stressful situations so we can react with a clear purpose not distracted by

We are training the body to be supple and responsive to our opponents actions. We fit the technique to the situation. This is why aikido does not have "katas" or forms which the student must memorize like many other arts have. Every situation is different, therefore no technique will ever be executed in the same way.

In training the character, we believe that combative strength requires a solid and good character to manage. If someone has combative power, but no character, then that person is very dangerous as they do not have a sound moral compass and can use their strength in detrimental ways. The more proficient you become in martial arts, the more developed your character must be to manage that combative proficiency so you use it at the right times and in the right manner.

Fundamentally, practitioners of aikido are seeking, through a martial context, to make the world a better more peaceful place. We use our martial abilities to diffuse violence and not escalate it.

One should remember and focus on these three things every practice.

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