Friday, July 4, 2008

Do Not Mistake Kindness for Weakness

Aikido is a budo based on the establishment of harmony from chaos. This is accomplished through the principle of take musu aiki, the spontaneous and uncontrived harmonious reaction to a situation that successfully diffuses conflict. But many martial artists look at Aikido as a weak martial form due to its primary focus on self-defense, safety, and a desire for a peaceful outcome. It is not "hard" enough and is therefore unrealistic many believe.

But do not mistake Aikido's desire for peace and harmony for a weakness. Yes, aikidoka practice softness of technique. Yes, they desire a peaceful resolution to any conflict. But this does not mean that an aikidoka cannot "go hard" if the situation warrants. And "going hard" in Aikido can be devastating. Just ask any aikidoka who has taken ukemi for their sensei and had a momentary lapse of awareness resulting in a full speed technique execution.

Do not take Aikido's kindness as a weakness. You could end up being unpleasantly surprised.
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